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Josh Roupe (born 1982) is an American, Midwest-based visual-artist and entertainer.


Josh Roupe was born in Bay City, Michigan. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Central Michigan University and an Associate of Art + Design from Delta College. He also is a Marine Corps veteran and Father of two. His visual artwork spans an array of mediums but he is most renown for his 2-dimentional, mixed-media, stencil paintings .

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More detailed bio coming soon..

1st MAR DIV, 1st MAR BAT, ALPHA COMPANY “RED DEATH”, 3rd PLT, 3rd SQD— Iraq, 2003.

1st MAR DIV, 1st MAR BAT, ALPHA COMPANY “RED DEATH”, 3rd PLT, 3rd SQD— Iraq, 2003.

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Roupe wheat-pasting a 6-eyed Lincoln poster; 2012 (left); Collage wheat-paste stencil; 2015 (right)

Roupe wheat-pasting a 6-eyed Lincoln poster; 2012 (left); Collage wheat-paste stencil; 2015 (right)

'Hand-Tailored Resistance' 48x36"; spray paint and collage on panel; 2015 (left) 'Phone Cell' 124x64x48"; spray paint, collage, found objects; 2016 (right) 'Reclamation' show at University Gallery; Mt Pleasant, MI 2016.

'Hand-Tailored Resistance' 48x36"; spray paint and collage on panel; 2015 (left) 'Phone Cell' 124x64x48"; spray paint, collage, found objects; 2016 (right) 'Reclamation' show at University Gallery; Mt Pleasant, MI 2016.